Posted by Matthew Mac Partlin on Wednesday, May 29, 2013

TED talks have established themselves as a major medium for transmitting ideas and knowledge. Starting in 1990 as a means of sharing design and technology topics, they have expanded into all aspects of thought, opinion and project with presentations from all walks of life. The TED motto is "ideas worth sharing" and speakers are given about 20 minutes for their presentation.

Following on the success of TED talks, the TED franchise has been made available to individuals and groups under the banner of TEDx, on the conditions that the organisers do not make a profit and the talks are vetted by TED and can be distributed under a Creative Commons license.

While sifting through material for the next piece I plan to put up on the Rollcage site, I stumbled across this TEDx arranged by students at the Washington University at St Louis (TEDxWUSTL). It features Prof. Hugh E. Scully talking about the role of medicine in motorsport.

Hugh is a Canadian cardiac surgeon who, among his multiple and varied portfolios, is a founding fellow of the FIA Institute for Motorsport Safety and Sustainability, a member of the Institute's Medical Advisory Committee, Chairman-Emeritus and Director of International Relations of the International Council of Motorsport Sciences, President of the Canadian Motorsport Heritage Foundation and Chairman of the Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame.

You can watch Hugh's presentation, which covers a brief history of motorsports and key safety innovations, here:

The critical role of medicine in motor sport: Hugh Scully at TEDxWUSTL 2013