Posted by Matthew Mac Partlin on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm watching the beautiful Azores stages of the opening event for the 2012 Intercontinental Rally Challenge , courtesy of wrcforeva who posts coverage from both WRC and IRC events on YouTube - which I am grateful for, given the lack of television coverage here in Oz.

The Azores IRC is a gravel event, on a volcanic island - so the dirt is dark and rich and the vegetation lush. There are some great stages where the road runs in a gully with tall grass banks rising up on either side, providing fantastic vantage points for spectators. It looks like a fast, technical event.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, no, they are not running a rally raid event ... EuroSport have employed a SimulCast technique which allows them to compare two different cars on the same section of road; a bit like the WRC's virtual spectator.