Podcast 24 - ICMS ACG 2017 Day 2
Posted by Matthew Mac Partlin on Friday, January 12, 2018 Under: Conferences
And so to the final day of the ICMS annual congress. Following on from day 1, today covered:
- A description of the Billy Monger / Patrick Pasma Formula 4 crash at Donnington Park along with the interventions and follow up thereafter.
- An overview of and updates to the FIA's RaceTrue anti-doping program
- The Dan Q Marisi Lecture
- A panel presentation on developments in occulovestibular reflex testing and its application to concussion assessment in motor sport
- A presentation on the physical and physiological demands on a race car driver
- Return to competition following concussion in the motorsport context
The podcast
After recording this podcast I had further discussions with Fabian Berger about his Race Resource Management training embedded within the DMSB's International Medical Days training program. Apart from ongoing evolution of the training, which includes a strong focus on human factors education, the training program is open to anyone with a motor sport rescue background to attend. He sent the program's overview document which I have permission to publish on this site below, which includes contact details if you want to attend. Note that the closing date for applications is January 15th which is only 3 days away. The course itself runs from the 23rd February to 25th February at the awe-inspiring Nurburgring in Germany.

International Medical Days 2018 information PDF
International Medical Days 2018 registration form PDF
International Medical Days 2018 registration form PDF
There was a third day day to the conference which I have not covered with a podcast summary. There were four quick presentations in the morning, the details of which you can see on the congress curriculum (https://icmsmotorsportsafety.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/AGM-PROGRAM-Curriculum-2017-v120117.pdf), followed by an afternoon that kicked off with a presentation and Q&A with exercise physiologist Dr David Ferguson and IndyCar driver Charlie Kimball on being a race car driver with diabetes and then a hands-on series of workshops that covered extrication, fire suppression and airway and haemorrhage management.

Overall, the 2017 ICMS Annual General Congress was another good conference. While I found it a little muted compared to last year, this may simply have been the reduced novelty factor given that this was my second time attending. But don't pass up an opportunity to attend this conference, especially if you have never been. I've been talking to the people behind the organisation and there is some genuinely exciting work being done to progressively improve the content and format of next year's Congress and ensure that ICMS members are getting back what they put into the membership. So keep an eye on developments on the ICMS site over the coming year.
Resources and references
Note: I have no conflicts of interest to declare and receive no financial or career gain for any of the products mentioned or referenced in either the text or podcast of this post.
Resources and references
- Race True program- www.fia.com/racetrue
- WADA Sports physician's toolkit - https://www.wada-ama.org/en/resources/education-and-awareness/sport-physicians-tool-kit-online-version
- Global DRO (The doping reference database. I use this a lot when assessing competitor's medications. Bookmark this page.) - http://www.globaldro.com/Home
- Cannabinoids for concussion
- - Endocannabinoids: A promising Impact for Traumatic Brain Injury, LD Schuman, 2017 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28261100
- - Effect of marijuana use on outcomes in traumatic brain injury, BM Nguyen, 2014 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25264643
- The athletic biological passport - Wikipedia -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_passport
- (This may need a separate post in its own right. I don't know much about it at the moment, so any comments or information from you lot is welcome.)
- Podcast 16 - Michael Hoffer and Virtual Reality for concussion - Rollcage Medic - https://rollcagemedic.com/podcasts/podcast-16-michael-hoffer-and-vitual-reality-for-concussion
- Podcast 21 - Concussion in Motor Sport: A literature review - Rollcage Medic - https://rollcagemedic.com/podcasts/podcast-21-concussion-in-motor-sport-a-literature-review
- Concussion in Motor Sport: A literature review paper, Concussion in Sport, Oct 2017 - http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2059700217733916
- MSA-UK Concussion in Motor Sport Guidelines (See pages 1 and 2) - https://www.msauk.org/assets/rulechangesmarch2016.pdf
- FIA Institute CMO Seminar - Day 2 - Headrest impact causing concussion - Vincenzo Tota - Rollcage Medic - https://rollcagemedic.com/news-and-reviews/fia-institute-cmo-seminar-day-2
- Catecholamine production in motor sport drivers, Schwaberger, 1987 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3316041
- Oxygen consumption rates, Olvey and Jacobs, 2002 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12471320
- EquiVital - http://www.equivital.co.uk/
- Berlin Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport, 2016 - http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2017/04/26/bjsports-2017-097699
Note: I have no conflicts of interest to declare and receive no financial or career gain for any of the products mentioned or referenced in either the text or podcast of this post.
In : Conferences
Tags: "icms" "annual congress" "concussion" "anti-doping" "ovrt" 'occulovestibular reflex testing"
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